
Post: TBWA/Chiat/Day

Dreams don't work unless you do. So true.

Ever since I graduated college my goal was to be in advertising. Or at least work on commercial/advertising gigs. Bob Industries (commercial production co) was one of the best internships I've ever had, and I think that experience spoiled me. Which is good because I learned so much out of that experience. Anyway, I got the opportunity to work at TBWA/Chiat/Day. TBWA/Chiat/Day is on my list of dream places to work and honestly, my first day working here - I felt like I was in Disneyland. That feeling of being in a magical place. The "You've made it!" feeling.

Working in advertising is fun and brutal. Fun is getting to work with chill people who have ideas, cool projects, and (mostly) organic workflows. Brutal are the hours. For Post, we work late. I'm usually here with an editor until 9pm-11pm. Dinners at the office became the norm for me. Oh BTW, did I mention I'm an assistant editor? Yup. Lots of work assisting the editors, and being an editor myself I know how long the hours can be so I do as much as I can to help them.

This commercial already aired, but I'm just doing a crop cut for banners

The Post chamber aka The Vault, where all the magic happens. This is the view from my work station