
Production: iLove Android, Lumpia 2 campaign

Busy back to back weekend of shooting on set. Saturday I was DP/Cam Op on a short film. Shot that on the Panasonic GH4 with a shoulder rig. Single camera set up. The entire short took place outdoors so we did not use any (artificial) lighting, all bounce and diffusing of the sunlight. Shooting natural lighting is not as easy as it sounds though. As the sun goes down the faster we have to move to keep the shots looking consistent.

Then on Sunday I had an interview style shoot. Casual, eating and talking type of shoot for the Lumpia 2 campaigns. Shot it with chef's Alvin Cailan (Eggslut) and John Castro (You Eat Now!), and producer/editor AJ Calomay. I used my production kit for this shoot. We used 3 cameras, (2) Pansonic G7's and (1) Nikon D3200. Luckily for us the restaurant had big, bright windows so we used 3 LED lights dimmed down just enough to give talent nice rim lighting and fill.

Ironically enough, both days I used cameras capable of shooting 4k but didn't shoot 4k.

Watch the Lumpia 2 campaign interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qGEWbepfB0
Watch the short, "iLove Android" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OR2LgqR-vw